Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What fun we have

Okay so I know that all the experts say not to let your kids watch too much TV and they definitely all agree on no TV before 2. But I have to admit me and my little one love to snuggle on the couch and watch some specific shows. I have even seen her start dancing to the music and wave good bye to the show when it is over. It never holds her attention long but she enjoys this time to hang out and snuggle. We also make sure that we always watch shows that we are okay with her watching if she is awake. Even if she is just playing and not paying attention we try to set a good example. Most of the time we have music and other background things on for some noise so mommy does not loose all sanity. Just so you can put things in a frame of reference my Little One is 8 months old. I will brag for a second on the fact that she is above the curve. But I have a miracle child and we do have so much fun together.

Recently we got Netflix. We decided to request the Instant Watch Disc for our Wii. Talk about a great choice. Well while we were surfing I came across their Library of Veggie Tales. I have always loved Veggie Tales. I think they are amazing and they are a fun way to teach values and lessons. Okay I can totally hear what you are saying 'but she is mormon' yeah so what these are great videos for kids and adults. We also have a foster teen in our home who knows little about the Bible and she has been enjoying watching these videos to learn about the stories and other things. It is really neat to watch. Well anyways back to my first train of thought. So everyone tells us do not let you little one watch TV. Well tough cookies people I want my daughter to learn these things from a young age and for her to learn respect for fellow man. So we watch Veggie Tales. (and some Fraggle Rock) What can I say We have fun. We sing the songs and we dance. and then we snuggle. It is really a fun way to transition into nap. So I say if you are careful about what they watch and when they watch it. Let your child learn. You would show them Baby Einstein right...Well why not something that teaches them love for their fellow man.
Search for Veggie tales
So that is my Rant for today...Be sure to take some time and enjoy a Silly Song



  1. "If you like to talk to tomatoes. If a squash can make you smile.." I LOVE VEGGIE TALES! Mormons love Veggie Tales! They are a great way for kids to learn the basics of Bible stories in a fun way, not to mention laugh your rear off with the "silly songs." Go Big Idea!
