Monday, July 12, 2010

Going Green

Okay so I have to say that this rant is a regular occurrence and even I fall victim. Every time I head to the grocery store in search of items that take me onto the cleaning supplies I get so frustrated and yet even I cave and buy the products, even knowing what I know. All in the name of saving time. The fact of the matter is I could save a ton of time and money by just doing a few simple things around the house. Almost all of the cleaners we have today are new inventions. If you think about it people have been cleaning houses long before Clorox or Windex.. Simple things in  your home can be the best cleaners and be safe for all involved. I have horrible Allergies and cleaners tend to be big culprits on this front. If you want to kill me fast just clean with Pine-Sol while I am around. White Vinegar is an amazing cleaner. It does wonders on Floors and in Laundry. I mix about 1/2 cup of vinegar with Warm Water and it scrubs my floors up very nice. I pour about the same into my load of laundry and any cat or baby smells just vanish. I use to have an animal that would have accidents all the time. Well some Vinegar on the stain for about 10 minutes and then blot dry and small and stain gone. For added cleaning ability you can mix with water and laundry Soda. And the list goes on and on. Now if you just took the recipes and made a few bottles of things and labeled them you could save a ton on cleaning supplies. I mean really, the green cleaners in the store and more expensive than the others. So why not just make them at home and your all set. I recommend anyone attempting green cleaners for the first time to either look into a company like EcoSense or to pick up a book so you get the recipes right. Safety is important even with all natural items and mixing things in wrong orders or quantities can cause problems that are easily avoided. Listed are a few books that I have looked into and
would recommend. 

1 comment:

  1. It's funny you did this today, because I did it on my blog too! I started an "Act 'Naturally'" page and touched on the same stuff! There is also a book called ORGANIC HOUSECLEANING that I would recommend. Other good books are NOURISHING TRADITIONS and 101 OLD-TIME COUNTRY HOUSEHOLD HINTS.
