Well here i sit with a full fledge toddler dancing to some music in my Living Room. My precious little bundle I had when I started this Blog is now almost 1 and way to smart for her age. We have been exploring the Potty, We walk and Man do we throw Temper Tantrums. We love to dance and sing. She constantly steals her daddy's flutes to play with them and she is super excited about the piano. Man do i have my hands full. I have been focusing mostly on my Straight Talk about Religion Blog lately and I want you all to know it has nothing to do with anything personal I just have been feeling very drawn towards that page as a way to get things out of my head. I have been running into so much Hatred and Persecution lately that I feel the best way to approach things is with my Blog, That way if you dont want to read it you dont have to and if you do you are fair warned.
My Craft Blog is getting updated about every 2 weeks but It will be home to some pictures and reviews of some more grown up craft ideas in the near future. Christmas will bring some fun and pictures.
Also with that said the Recipes on a Budget Blog is going to be featuring Custom Cakes for the next little bit. The first one will be this weekend and We will be making a from scratch German Chocolate Cake along with doing a cake carving and decoration with Pipping and Fondant. Next week will be be doing Cupcakes for a kids party and a classic 1st Birthday cake....Shortly after that we will be doing a Princess cake...or possibly a dog or cat cake...The birthday girl for that one has not made up her mind. Each cake will have a special twist and you will just have to check in for details and secrets :-) Not to mention it is time for Thanksgiving Recipes. I don;t know about you but it usually takes me most of November to plan what I am doing...and that is just if I am taking a dish to someone's house.
The Chronicles are jumping into an new era and we will be at home with a Daddy in School and a Stay at home mommy...Not to mention Miss Smarty Pants.
Well all My rant for today is....why cant i have more hands. My house was clean last week but it is almost worse this week...WHAT HAPPENED....Oh well time to get working on it again
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