Friday, March 11, 2011


Well today, like most of you, I awoke to news of Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. While I feel for all those who have been impacted I must admit that my thoughts turned to my own family today. My Husband is in school for Disaster Management and this is exactly the kind of thing he is learning to deal with. When he is done he will be a 1st responder and depending on where he gets a job he would have been dropping everything to rush to the aid of those in need. I cherish his ability to help and keep a level head in situations like this, however I am finding that I am very selfish as well. If something happened here he would be expected to work and help others while I am left to handle things for our family. I knew this going in and we have had many conversations about this very thing. But the fact is the prospect scares me. He has amazing skills and gifts that will save lives and help many people in severe times of need and I know that he is meant to share those talents. I also know that should the time come I will be granted the strength to take care of our family and those friends in need. But when something this severe happens it definitely makes you think. I live in an area where this very thing could happen. A quake like this is exactly what we need to be prepared for. I knew that growing up here. I live in the shadow of volcanoes and I live with major faults nearby. I guess now that my Husband is learning how to help these people and is doing detailed analysis of these types of events it is hitting home even more.
My heart and prayers go out to those in Japan who need them and also to the families of those who will be sharing family members with the people of Japan. May the Lord guide them to use their talents and help those in need the most and bless the families that sacrifice so that those men & Women can save others.

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