Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Santa Claus

So this is a topic that I thought long and hard about the best place in my blog to put it. I finally came to the realization that it is really my Rant for the season and deserves to be treated as such.

Santa is a viable part of Christmas and He does not take away anything away from the celebration of the season nor does he take the thunder from Jesus Christ. Yes many people around the world do not believe in Jesus and they just celebrate the secular holiday. But frankly even they are learning something about Christ by having Santa.

It really drives me crazy to here Christians say that Santa has nothing to do with the True meaning of Christmas and that We should just forget him. Well Guess what folks...Open up your brains and face the facts you can't keep Santa from your kids and you really can't tell people he is of the devil. So get over it. Santa is a mythical embodiment of the Spirit of Christmas. He teaches Selfless giving and service to others. He teaches that all should be loved and treated as equals no matter their race, age or religion. He teaches our Children that we should give to others with no need for anything in return. As parents it is our job and responsibility to teach these things to our Children. It is our responsibility to share the story of the Nativity with our families and to teach the boundaries and true meanings of the things that Santa Embodies.

Instead of telling our children he is evil and that he has no place in Christmas take a minute to see what he represents. He represents the Love of Jesus. He gives to all in the world as Jesus does. He never expects anything in return, As Jesus does. He gives of himself freely as Jesus Does and Most of all he teaches us to Love on another as Jesus Taught. So if you look at him that way how can you teach your children to not do the things that Jesus Taught. How can you not be Santa for a family in need? How can you not reach out to those who may not know Christ and tell them that what they know is wrong? Even if they don't know Christ they know that Christmas is a time for giving.

Now I know you are going to say well it is so commercial and it is all give me, give me. give me...Well guess what that is our faults. We are not spreading the teachings of the season. We are not acting as Santa to those who need it, We are not teaching our Children the true meaning of the holiday.

The Facts of the situation are very simple. Historically the Tax season in Rome was in the Spring. This means Christ was not actually born on Christmas. The general historical concession is that Christmas was not adopted until the 4th Century AD. There are many different theories as to how Christmas came to be celebrated on December 25th. The most common is that the Roman Empire combined the Christian Feast with Yule to avoid issues between the Pagans and the Christians. The tradition of Santa are believed to be based on a man by the name of St Nicholas who was a Bishop of the Church and was attributed with many Miracles in his life time. His birthday is recognized as December 5th and is Celebrated in many areas with the giving of Gifts. Because he was a selfless man who Served Christ he is believed to be the Origin of Santa Claus.

So Consider this before you say that Santa has no place in Christmas...Does Selfless giving and service have anything to do with Christmas? In our Home Santa is very important and  yet before any presents are opened or another things are done on Christmas morning the Nativity is read. There for putting Christ at the Center of Christmas. Our Family man not have much this year but we are going to be Santa for several families we know who deserve a little holiday joy.

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