Well dear readers it is a very sad day when you look at your baby and see a little girl. My munchkin is only 13 months but suddenly the baby is no more and she is a full fledge toddler. Man she has grow up too fast. It really makes me realize what we hear all the time about don't blink you will miss it. Granted I will be the first to admit my daughter is not the typical 13 month old. I am not one to brag or to compare but my little one really is just a miss smarty pants. We talk, We walk, We started running this week, We climb, We know grandma's doggies name, we can call our kitty and we love the word NO. She has even started trying to climb on the big girl bed in her room. We are thinking of getting her some railings and some special sheets soon so we can start trying nap time. She is just so cute. But it sure does bug me when other people who don't know her try to tell me I am doing it wrong.
The other day we were out and about and I swear it was nosy lady day. First I got told giving my daughter a lollipop was bad parenting, and then I got informed that she was too little for sippy cups, and then some moron decided that letting my daughter walk while holding my hand was wrong and unsafe of me. I mean come on people do you think I am such a moron that I can't make decisions for my child or that I need the whole world to tell me what to do. My daughter had a lollipop because the poor girl is cutting 4 teeth. She deserved a little something. And She is too plenty old enough for a sippy cup. What should I let her have a bottle until she is 5 like your kid and give her soda in her bottle to boot? As for walking while holding my hand: at least she is holding my hand and behaving unlike your kid who almost ran in front of a car and got hit.
I mean there are a ton of things that I see other parents doing, especially on the MAX., and yet I don't say a word. I mean some of these kids are real hellions. But I don't throw some fit or say some smart remark under my breath about the parents so they can hear. I mean I might say something after they leave but never to the parent.
So unless you know exactly every detail of my child's behavior and their personality like I do..Just Shut up.
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